I am in love with this artist, Miss Van, and her latest collection "Mascaras" She was featured in High Fructose magazine Vol. 15 recently. This piece "Mascaras #8 " is part of that collection.
"These works powerfully present a delicate balance between the classic and modern.
They focus on the elegance and extreme sensuality of the raw female body, the decorated animals at their side as well as the animals within them, and above all the hidden intimacy that is discretely revealed via the masks that the poupees wear." -Princesas Market
She is currently living in Barcelona, Spain.
Ms. Artus I find that your attempt at shocking the public through attacking holy images is cheap and of very bad taste. An artist must portray noble, worthy sentiments and interesting perspectives, not filth of thought. If you profess a certain hatred against the mother of Christ, expressing it through such art is your right, insofar as I have the right to take pictures of my own urine and call it art to shock the public.